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100% pure and unrefined 100% produced...
...what every fan of unrefined Shea Butter needs; for a clean and hygienic application of Shea Butter onto your skin.
The up to 2 meters high peacock shrub - also called "Pride of Barbados" - is one of the most beautiful and flowering ornamental shrubs and can be grown with us as a fast-growing container plant. It forms double pinnate leaves and the flower color varies between golden-orange and red...enjoy.
Beautiful small baskets (second hand): The size is equivalent to the "1kg basket".
The tea of the dried flowers is also known as mallow tea and karkadeh tea. Mallow tea is an ideal thirst quencher. New: In cooperation with "Children's Aid West Africa"An incredible pleasure awaits you with this unique tea variety.- mainly whole petals- This tea has been picked from wild hibiscus bushes!!- 100% nature and 0% chemistry
Niem press cake(neem press cake) is a by-product of the cold pressing of Niem seeds (neem seeds) NPK organic fertilizer supports the roots in regaining their natural balance contributes positively to the nutrient supply of the plants water extract can also be produced.